Emily exemplifies servant leadership. She is both technical, process driven and passionately people / big picture / product oriented. She is constantly thinking ahead and clearing the path for her teams. She is consistently a positive influence on team motivation, productivity, happiness, and cohesion. You will notice things just get done better, faster and with less friction and effort when she is involved. Emily is also a truly effective champion for diversity and inclusion and she brings out the best in people. On a more personal note: I would not be a developer if I did not meet Emily. I also would not have stepped up and build and scaled Women Who Code Data Science if it wasn’t for her support / advice / mentorship. As the leader of a technical team today I still often think to myself “what would Emily do?”. Having her lead / on your team will give you a significant amount of leverage; she is a “value multiplier” and expert in execution. If Emily joins your team, you have my congrats!”
— Maddie S., AI Researcher and Entrepreneur